Lewisboro Land Trust Hosts Book Signing for Vivien G. Malloy's Memoir "My Life as a Long Shot: From Cuba to Rye"

On June 6th, 2021, the Lewisboro Land Trust hosted a book signing for Vivien G. Malloy’s memoir “My Life as a Long Shot: From Cuba to Rye” at Birdstone Farm in Cross River, NY. Vivien greeted guests and read excerpts from her book.

Vivien Goodman Malloy's life as a "long shot" began years before her life as a horsewoman and horse breeder-in fact, her long-shot die was cast before she was born. It begins in 1909, in Spain, with the surprise birth of her mother, an unexpected and premature twin of a baby brother who doesn't live. Maria Consuelo Candida Francisca Catarina de Siena Robato y Mañach--- "Nena"-does. She grows up in Cuba, falls in love, and marries Rafaele "Lello" Matacena, learning she is pregnant while he is back in Naples tending to his disapproving Italian family. Lello never returns. Nena gives birth to Vivien and three years later marries Andrew Goodman, heir to the Bergdorf Goodman department store. Little Vivien Matacena becomes Vivien Goodman, trading her abuelita's home in Havana for a penthouse above the family store in Manhattan. A Cinderella story of sorts, but life is more complicated, and this is just the start of twists and turns, triumphs and tragedies that make up Vivien Goodman Malloy's My Life as a Long Shot: From Cuba to Rye.

A portion of book sales will be donated to the Retired Racehorse Project.

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Edition Farm Lawn Jockey at National Museum of Racing

Vivien with son, Mark Malloy and granddaughter Caitlin Malloy Brennan

Vivien with son, Mark Malloy and granddaughter Caitlin Malloy Brennan

The National Museum of Racing held a fundraiser where thirty-seven, 165-pound lawn jockeys are lined up in a long row, each one bearing respective stable’s silks colors by donors.

Edition Farm, one of many owners in support throughout the U.S., will have their silks displayed for over five years to sponsor one of the figures, benefitting the museum’s endowment fund.

Edition Farm unveiled their Lawn Jockey at the National Museum of Racing in Saratoga, NY on July 20th, along with other Thoroughbred farm supporters. Owner, Vivien Malloy attended the event with son, Mark Malloy, granddaughter, Caitlin Malloy Brennan and friend Kathy Landman, as well as Theresa Behrendt, who helped initiate the fundraiser. 

Photos courtesy of Kathy Landman